A Couple Of Things To Know Before Getting Into Debt Consolidation
You don’t want to be saddled with debt for the rest of your life. You can’t have creditors banging at your door or calling you all day looking for their money. This stressful, unhealthy life will wear on you and bring you nothing but misery. Use debt consolidation to fix your finances by reading below.
Consolidate all of your high-interest credit cards onto one credit card with a reasonable interest level. If you’ve got multiple cards above 20% interest, you are paying way too much. That money going to interest could be helping you pay off that debt! Plus multiple cards means multiple minimum payments. It’s best to attack one card alone if you can.
Ask your credit card company if they’d accept a lump payment for a lesser amount than the debt. Many companies will accept 20% to 30% less than the amount you owe currently just to get the cash in hand. If you can scrape up the cash, this is an excellent way to save funds that can go to other debts.
Don’t look at debt consolidation as a horrible thing that you are doing alone. This is a really common situation. Millions of people have been exactly where you are right now, and they’ve survived. Know that going in. It’s nothing to get worked up about. Channel that potential anxiety into the right action steps to move forward.
Before choosing a debt consolidation company, ask how the counselors of the company are paid. If the answer is “on a commission basis”, then it may be best to look elsewhere. Someone working for a commission will say or do many things that are less of a help for you and more of a help to their overall income.
Make sure to take a look at the interest rates offered by any debt consolidation program you are considering. Remember that your goal is to reduce your monthly payments, and you won’t do this if you consolidate to a higher rate. This is an area where it is really important to compare different programs, so take your time and find one that offers you the best rates.
A solution to your financial burden can be found in debt consolidation. It is up to you to make use of the research you have done today to better your situation. If you can take the time to do it right by using this advice, you can truly change your life.